Welcome new team member!
Below you will find links to helpful resources to make your onboarding go more smoothly:
Links & Resources, a comprehensive list of the most commonly used or needed sites and resources for our lab
Onboarding schedule, a quick guide to the recommended activities associated with your first two weeks in the lab
Getting Oriented
PSU map, an interactive map to the downtown campus; be aware that the new Vanport building, which we are located within, may not be labeled as such; orient yourself to NW 4th & NW Montgomery
Starting Training
You'll start with research ethics training. Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) for All, and RCR for Human Subjects. You'll take these through OHSU's training system.
You can also find these via CITI trainings, you may log in with OHSU credentials or use the Compass link within O2 (OHSU's internal website)
Planning Mentorship
We will create your training plan together.
Explore our work to see which projects, topics, or skills you want to learn more about.
"Comfort and growth rarely co-exist"
-Excerpted quote from Ginni Rommety, former CEO of IBM
Explore Mentorship