
Interactive Informatics

These are public-facing data collection tools that integrate research and education.

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Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash 

Science Education

Published websites for accessible education across health & science topics

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Peer-Reviewed Publications

Publications in peer-reviewed sources.
Early pre-print editions.

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Follow Lisa Marriott's work on ORCID

Follow Lisa Marriott's work on Scopus

Published Data Collection Tools with Immediate e-Feedback and Education

Graphic by Jason Laramie, CMI

Let's Get Healthy!

A data visualization website of summary health results from Let’s Get Healthy! fairs, with data filterable by age, gender, and location.  Also includes teacher classroom lessons, information about data collection stations, and opportunities for getting involved. Funded by a Science Education Partnership Award from the National Institutes of Health.


Photo by Fleur on Unsplash 

STEM Assessment and Reporting Tracker

The STEM Assessment and Reporting Tracker (START) is funded by a Science Education Partnership Award from the National Institutes of Health. START helps schools and science programs measure the STEM development of their students.  Students receive immediate e-feedback; programs receive anonymized summary data. Great for cohorts or anonymous use.

Explore START

Public Education and Science Communication

Environmental Health

Learn Environmental Health

Self-directed learning and companion website to "Concepts in Environmental Health"

The environment has a huge impact on our health.  Air.  Water.  Food safety. Climate change. Explore how toxicology and epigenetics play a role in how the environment impacts our health.  

Explore Learn Environmental Health

Marriott, L.K. (2020, October 1). Learn Environmental Health

Collaborative websites developed with public health graduate students

Handmade masks photo by Maayan Nemanov on Unsplash 

COVID-19 & Environmental Health

COVID-19 has had a massive impact on environmental health. MPH students explored different angles to find impacts on every area we looked.

Self-directed learning

Explore COVID-19 & Environmental Health

Marriott, L.K. & J. Boyd (Eds.) COVID-19 and Environmental Health. (2020, December 22).
Photo of light through smoke: Wonderlane on Unsplash 

Rays of Light in Environmental Health

This site summarizes some of the new advances and hopeful progress within environmental health today.  With the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, the world can seem pretty grim sometimes.  Looking to science can help us see some bright spots -- how can we work together to turn some sour environmental health lemons into hopeful lemonade?   

Explore Rays of Light in Environmental Health

Snyder, M. & Marriott, L.K. (Eds). (2021, December 17).  Rays of Light in Environmental Health. 
Photo by M. Piwnicki 

Wildfire and Human Health

Climate change is expected to make wildfires worse.  What steps can we take to prepare, fight, and recover from wildfire?  

 Explore Wildfire and Human Health

Mitchell, R. & Marriott, L.K. (Eds.). (2022, December 28).  Wildfire and Human Health.   

Qualitative Methods

Learn Qualitative Methods

Learn observational methods, interviews and focus groups, as well as how to code, analyze and present your qualitative data. 

Self directed learning and companion site to the class, "Qualitative Methods for Health Professionals". 

Explore Learn Qualitative Methods

Marriott, L.K., Zell, A., & L.K. Gowen (2021). Learn Qualitative Methods 

Learn Photovoice

Photovoice is a qualitative methodology that can be used with adolescents or adults. It's a fun and engaging approach to data collection, with powerful images and narratives that can be used for research.

Online training for learners and educators

Explore Learn Photovoice 
(*temporarily inactive; see here instead)

Alvord, T.A. and L.K. Marriott (2020, September 1). Learn Photovoice

Recent peer-reviewed publications 

Inclusive approaches for measuring demographics of historically underrepresented populations in STEM and biomedical research training programs (2024)

Paris, S.E., Dinno, A., Marr, M.C., Raz Link, A., Lentz, B.L., Setthavongsack, A., Espinosa, S.N., Shusterman, G., Abel, J., Harrison, K., Hook, J., Alvord, T.W., Richardson, D.M., Chase, K., and Marriott, L.K. (2024).  Inclusive approaches for measuring demographics of historically underrepresented populations in STEM and biomedical research training programs. Journal of STEM Outreach, 7(2), 1-22.  

Novel recruitment approaches and operational results for a state-wide population cohort for cancer research - the Healthy Oregon Project (2024)

Zhang, Z., Shafer, A., Johnson-Camacho, K., Adey, A., Anur, P., Bainbridge, J., Brown, K., Conrad, C., Crist, R., Farris, P., Harrington, C., Marriott, L.K., Mitchell, A., O'Roak, B., Serrato, V., Richards, S., Spellman, P., and Shannon, J. (2024). Novel recruitment approaches and operational results for a state-wide population cohort for cancer research - the Healthy Oregon Project. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, in press. 

Population screening shows inherited cancer and familial hypercholesterolemia prevalence in Oregon (2023)

O’Brien, T.D., Potter, A.B., Driscoll, C.,  Goh, G., Letaw, J.H., McCabe, S., Thanner, J. , Kulkarni, A., Wong, R. , Medica, S.,  Weeks, T. ,  Buitrago, J.,  Larson, A., Johnson Camacho, K., Brown, K., Crist, R., Conrad, C.,  Evans-Dutson, S., Lutz, R.,  Mitchell, A.,  Anur, P., Serrato, V.,  Shafer, V., Marriott, L.K.,  Hamman, K.J.,  Mulford, A.,  Wiszniewski, W., Sampson, J.,  Adey, A.,  O’Roak, B., Harrington, C.,  Shannon, J.,  Spellman, P.T.,  and C. S. Richards. (2023). Population screening shows inherited cancer and familial hypercholesterolemia prevalence in Oregon. American Journal of Human Genetics, 110, 1-17.  

Approaches for measuring inclusive demographics across Youth Enjoy Science cancer research training programs (2022)

Mekinda, M.A., Chaudhary, S., Vanderford, N.L., Burns White, K., Kennedy, L., and L.K. Marriott. (2022).  Approaches for measuring inclusive demographics across Youth Enjoy Science cancer research training programs.  Journal of STEM Outreach, 5(2),  1-14. DOI: (e-published  January 23, 2023) 

A non-randomized trial investigating the impact of brown rice consumption on gut microbiota, attention, and short-term working memory in Thai school-aged children (2022)

Gruneck L., Marriott L.K., Gentekaki, E., Kespechara, K., Sharpton, T.J., Denny, J., Shannon, J., and S. Popluechai (2022).  A non-randomized trial investigating the impact of brown rice consumption on gut microbiota, attention, and short-term working memory in Thai school-aged children. Nutrients, 14(23), 5176-5198.  

Interprofessional near-peer mentoring teams enhance cancer research training: sustainable approaches for biomedical workforce development of historically underrepresented students (2022)

Huerta, J.J., Figuracion, M. T. , Vazquez-Cortes, A., Hanna, R.R.,  Hernandez, A.C. , Benitez, S.B., Sipelii, M.N. , Brooks, T., ZuZero, D.T., Iopu, F.M.R.V., Romero, C.R., Chavez, A., Zell, A., Shugerman, S.R., Shannon, J.S., Marriott, L.K. (2022). Interprofessional near-peer mentoring teams enhance cancer research training: sustainable approaches for biomedical workforce development of historically underrepresented students. Journal of STEM Outreach, 5 (2), 1-14.

The fecal microbiota of Thai school-age children associated with anthropological factors and diet (2022)

Gruneck, L., Gentekaki, E., Kespechara, K., Denny, J., Sharpton, T.J., Marriott, L.K., Shannon, J., and S. Popluechai (2022). The fecal microbiota of Thai school-aged children associated with demographic factors and diet. PeerJ 10:e13325    

Knight Scholars Program: A tiered three-year mentored training program for urban and rural high school students increases interest and self-efficacy in interprofessional cancer research (2022)

Marriott, L.K., Shugerman, S.R., Chavez, A., Crocker Daniel, L., Martinez, A., Zebroski, D.J., Mishalanie, S., Zell, A., Dest, A., Pozhidayeva, D., Wenzel, E.S., Omotoy, H.L., Druker, B.J., Shannon, J. (2022).  Knight Scholars Program: A tiered three-year mentored training program for urban and rural high school  students increases interest and self-efficacy in interprofessional cancer research. Journal of STEM Outreach, 5(2), 1-16.  

Supporting biomedical research training for historically underrepresented undergraduates using interprofessional, informal curricular structures (2021)

Marriott, L.K*., Raz Link, A*, Anitori, R., Blackwell, E., Blas, A., Brock, J, Burke, T, Cabrera, A.P., Helsham, D., Liban, L.B., Mackiewicz, M.R., Maruyama, M., Milligan-Myhre, K.C.A., Pangelinan, P.J.C., Hattori-Uchima, M., Reed, R., Simon, B.E., Solomon, B., Trinidad, A.M.O., Wyatt, L.R., Delgado Covarrubia, A., Burrows, J.A., Zell, A., Keller, T, Morris, C, Crespo, C.  (2021).  Supporting biomedical research training for historically underrepresented undergraduates using interprofessional, informal curricular structures.  Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 21(1), 241-286. Retrieved from  doi: 10.14434/josotl.v21i1.30430   [*Joint first author]

Public perception of predictive cancer genetic testing and research in Oregon (2020)

Alvord, T. W., Marriott, L. K., Nguyen, P. T., Shafer, A., Brown, K., Stoller, W., Volpi, J., Vandehey, J., Ferrara, L., Blakesley, S., Solomon, E, Kuehl, H, Palma, A, Farris, P, Cotter, M., and J. Shannon  (2020). Public perception of predictive cancer genetic testing and research in Oregon. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 29(2), 259-281.

Opposing effects of impulsivity and mindset on sources of science self-efficacy and STEM interest in adolescents (2019)

Marriott, L.K., Coppola, L., Mitchell, S.H., Bouwma-Gearhart, J., Zhen, Z. Shifrer, D., Feryn, A.B., and J. Shannon (2019).  Opposing effects of impulsivity and mindset on science self-efficacy and STEM interest in adolescents.  PLOS One. 14(8): e0201939.

Thai adaptation and reliability of three versions of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS 11, BIS-15, and BIS-Brief) (2018)

Juneja, R., Chaiwong, W., Siripool, P., Mahapol, K., Wiriya, T., Shannon, J. S., Petchkrua W., Kunanusont, C., Marriott, L. K. (2019). Thai adaptation and reliability of three versions of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS 11, BIS-15, and BIS-Brief). Psychiatry Research, 272, 744-755. 

Raising the Bar for Occupational Health Care through International Health Alliance: A Twinning Framework to Enhance and Expand Occupational Health Services at Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (2017)

Shannon, J., Kunanusont, C., Rein, J., Petchkrua, W., Rischitelli, G., Leechawengwongs, E., Siripool, P., Kunawudhi, G., Pakhunanittha, C., Schuff, R.A., Chokpocasombut, A., Kohlakklang, P., Juneja, R., Marriott, L.K., Montgomery, D., Hendrickson, R.G., and Denny, J.  (2017). Raising the Bar for Occupational Health Care through International Health Alliance: A Twinning Framework to Enhance and Expand Occupational Health Services at Bangkok Dusit Medical Services. The Bangkok Medical Journal, 13(2), 101-101.

Epigenetics: A New Science for Middle School--And Why You Should Teach It (2016)

Marriott, L., Charbonneau, A., Moss, B., Shannon, J., Thornburg, K., & Turker, M. (2016). Epigenetics: A new science for middle school-and why you should teach it. Science Scope, 39(6), 6.   Available via Proquest

Experiential Learning Through Participatory Action Research in Public Health Supports Community-Based Training of Future Health Professionals (2015)

Marriott, L. K., Lipus, A. C., Choate, L., Smith, J., Coppola, L., Cameron, W. E., & Shannon, J. (2015). Experiential learning through participatory action research in public health supports community-based training of future health professionals. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 1(4), 220-232. 

The Surprising Patterns of Health and Disease (2015)

Charbonneau, A., Moss, B., & Marriott, L. (2015). The surprising patterns of health and disease. Science Scope, 38(7), 64.

Marriott LK, Nelson D. A., Allen S., Calhoun K., Eldredge C. E., Kimminau K. S., Lucero R. J., Pineda-Reyes F., Rumala B. B., Varanasi A. P., Wasser J. S., & J. Shannon (2012). Using health information technology to engage communities in health, education, and research. Science Translational Medicine, 4(119), 119mr1. 

Let’s Get Healthy! Health Awareness Through Public Participation in an Education and Research Exhibit (2012)

Marriott, L.K., Cameron, W.E., Purnell, J.Q, Cetola, S, Ito, M.K., Williams, C.D., Newcomb, K.C., Randall, J.A., Messenger, W.B., Lipus, A.C. and J. Shannon (2012). Let’s Get Healthy! Health awareness through public participation in an education and research exhibit. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 6(3), 331. 

Prior peer-reviewed publications

See full list of publications for L.K. Marriott via Google Scholar, including past work studying neural correlates of learning and memory (1998-2007).  

Early work was in the neurochemistry of learning and memory, which expanded to include contexts of brain inflammation and neuroendocrinology. Lisa moved into science education in 2007 and public health in 2009.


Lisa's path

Example publications: