
Photo of chase light by Alekon pictures on Unsplash 

Often, you can see where a lab's research is going based on their recent presentations, like poster presentations and abstracts.   

Think of presentations like an early indicator of publications and future directions.

Example Posters in 2023

SEE Portrait Poster Draft 5/2/23
Paris, S.E., Dinno, A., Marr, M.C., Raz Link, A., Lentz, B.L., Setthavongsack, A., Espinosa, S.N., Shusterman, G., Abel, J., Harrison, K., Hook, J., Alvord, T.W., Richardson, D.M., Chase, K., and Marriott, L.K., (2023).  Inclusive approaches for measuring demographics of historically underrepresented populations in STEM and biomedical research training programs. 6th Annual Symposium for Educational Excellence. Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon. May 19, 2023

Example Regional, National, and International Talks in 2022

Published Abstracts

Poster Presentations